Waves of Gratitude is a company that sells Inspired Jewelry and Apparel designed to symbolize the importance of expressing gratitude at
www.wavesofgratitude.com. As a company that believes in giving back to those affected by breast cancer, Waves of Gratitude is partnering with
The Get In Touch Foundation and
New England Walkers for Knockers to raise awareness and find a cure for breast cancer. $3 from each sale of the Large Branches of Hope necklace will be donated to each group.
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The Waves of Gratitude partnership with New England Walkers for Knockers (NE-W4K) is a Win, Win, Win for everyone: customers who buy the large
Branches of Hope necklace get a beautiful sterling silver pendant symbolizing hope at 15% off the regular price with coupon code NE-W4K at checkout and a Gratitude Wave to keep or give away, NE-W4K earns $3 per sale for the Walk and the Get in Touch Foundation (GIT) also receives $3 from each sale.
New England Walkers for Knockers team has participated annually in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – Boston since it was established in 2007 by Brenda Smith. With encouragement from family and friends, Brenda gathered a group of individuals from the ages of 8-65, both female and male, to raise more than $18,000 in that first year. Since then, the "New England Walkers for Knockers" team has raised almost $57,000.00 to date towards finding a cure for Breast Cancer. The NE-W4K goal is to raise money towards finding a cure for breast cancer and also raising awareness of the preventative measures that can be taken to help detect the disease as early as possible.
The Get in Touch Foundation was established by Mary Ann Wasil Nilan in 2004 to encourage women of all ages to “Get In Touch” with their bodies as part of an ongoing crusade to educate them about the importance of early breast cancer detection. Mary Ann has won The Oprah Magazine CoverGirl Giving Beautiful Back Award and can be seen in the February issue of
O Magazine.
Waves of Gratitude has set a goal of donating $150,000 to The Get In Touch Foundation while helping to reach team fundraising goals with the New England Walkers for Knockers. Individual participants in breast cancer walk fundraisers are encouraged to contact
info@wavesofgratitude.com about the steps necessary to join Waves of Gratitude in spreading the word about Inspired Jewelry and Apparel to apply $3 of each Large Branches of Hope sale toward individual or team fundraising goals.
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