Friday, August 20

Accepting Abundance

When you go through live just getting by, you may not be completely open to abundance in your life. We see this all around us. People will stay in a situation that is less than what they are capable of having, being or doing just because it is known and comfortable. Even when opportunities for greater abundance come along they just don’t seem to seize them. Maybe it’s fear. Maybe it’s a feeling of not being deserving of abundance. Whatever the reason we can all overcome those obstacles and learn to accept that not only is every human being on the Earth entitled to abundance in their lives but they are already born with it. The challenge then is to recognize it and enjoy it. A prayer written by Emmett Fox and entitled Accepting Abundance reads in part:
“Today everything that I AM and have, that is Good,
is increased.
I identify everything I do with success.
I think affirmatively.
And with all my prayers, I accept abundance.
Whatever I need, whenever I need it,
wherever I need it, for as long as I need it,
will always be at hand.”

Accept that you can have all that you need, ready and plentiful whenever you need it.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I love your writings so much that I just posted a link on my blog. You all inspire me everyday and for that I thank you.